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Pop Art Movement


Art Movement Linkism - Pop Art Movement

::: Art Directory> Visual Artists> Famous Artists> Pop Art> Pop Art Movement
+ Resources on Pop Art Movement with websites about famous artists of the Pop Art movement. Includes information on the art movement that was based in Britain and the USA (mostly in the latter)

See Also..
pop art Movement Pop Art
Pop Art Painters Pop Artists

Roy Lichtenstein Roy Lichtenstein
Robert Rauschenberg Robert Rauschenberg
Andy Warhol Andy Warhol

Related Categories to the Pop Art Movement section could also include..

Contemporary Pop Artists - Art Posters

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 Pop Art Movement Pop Art Movement

  • WebMuseum - Pop Art new window - webmuseum
    Description of the Pop Art movement with details on the philosophy and artists of the movement.
    http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/tl/20th/pop-art.html - categories - Pop Art Movement
  • Wikipedia Description new window - wikipedia
    Pop Art entry on the free encyclopedia online, Wikipedia. Wikipedia says that pop art "challenged tradition by asserting that an artist's use of the mass-produced visual commodities of popular culture is contiguous with the perspective of Fine Art. Pop removes the material from its context and isolates the object, or combines it with other objects, for contemplation".
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pop_art - categories - Pop Art
  • Submit Pop Art Movement Website new window - submit Pop Art
    Click on the link above to submit your Pop Art Movement or famous Pop artist URL to our arts directory.
    http://www.linkism.com/submit-art-site.htm - categories - Famous Artists - Pop Art
::: Art Directory> Visual Artists> Famous Artists> Pop Artists Online> Pop Artist Movement
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